A hybrid feature film that investigates contemporaneity through the body and its countless possibili...
Short documentary about the lives of three girls and the women who rescued them from retrogressive c...
Social media superstar Qandeel Baloch pushed boundaries in conservative Pakistan like no other. In 2...
September 2016: Stacey Dooley embeds herself on the frontline with the extraordinary all-female Yazi...
Wedding rituals grounded on non-verbal social agreements represent the perception of society in gene...
Filmed in a refuge for abused women, Break Free shows the courage of these women, most of whom tell ...
Linda is a rapper and a woman who after getting brutally assaulted by her boyfriend decided to leave...
The #MeToo movement has shined much-needed light on the pervasiveness of sexual harassment and abuse...
Six professionals in the audiovisual field share their experiences through a visual and sound sensor...
In Pakistan, veils hide one of the country's most terrible secrets. Driven by revenge, jealousy or s...
More than twenty sports journalists – working mainly on television (BeIN Sports, RMC Sport, France T...