Produced in 1988, this feature documentary presents a living history of Quebec's last 40 years as se...
A short film that follows key figures of the London kink scene on an exploration into BDSM and the n...
“Sonic artist” Chris Cree Brown discusses composing with new media and how he orchestrates particula...
Nikki is no professional athlete. Still, she swims the English channel to raise money for a good cau...
The journey of eight diverse youth in China confronting cultural differences. Crossing Borders - Wid...
A 96-year-old woman in a Kerala village pursues her lifelong dream of getting an education. Having n...
At the time this film was made, motion picture theaters were required to pay a 20% tax on gross tick...
A short history of movie music is presented, from silent films accompanied by a single piano, to the...
Indonesia, 1965: hundreds and even thousands of people are arrested without warrant. Some did come b...
As a young girl Victoria Arlen truly had the world ahead of her. But at the age of 11, she began to ...
When 18 children – nine from Palestine and nine from Israel – come together to form a kids soccer te...
Isolated from the rest of the world since the time of the dinosaurs, New Zealand’s magnificent wildl...
Go to the Big Island and hover above erupting craters at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, watch flowi...
Paparazzi explores the relationship between Brigitte Bardot and groups of invasive photographers att...
Jerry Wald has to write about radio, visiting Sid Gary gives him the tip it might be more easy for h...
In a nightclub setting, Jimmy Dorsey and His Orchestra, with two of his vocalists, perform four of t...
Highlighting the heroic efforts of Dorothy Oliver to keep her small town of Panola, Alabama safe fro...
On the island of La Gomera, children imagine stories while they examine archeological remains. An et...