Produced in 1988, this feature documentary presents a living history of Quebec's last 40 years as se...
A little known episode from the life of Stalinist security police office Julia Brystiger. Her nickna...
This film depicts the life of Saint John Bosco, who dedicated his life to rescuing abandoned and exp...
David Hockney undertakes a commission to design and install a stained-glass window in Westminster Ab...
The spectacular moon landing in 1969 was also a success of more than 100 technicians and engineers f...
In Italy, in the mid-seventies, Adriana, Barbara, Nadia and Susanna were 20 years old when they deci...
Simone Veil's life story through the pivotal events of Twentieth Century. Her childhood, her politic...
This documentary focuses on the journey of Merton, a bohemian who went from communism to Catholicism...
The story of Robert Badinter who was the major architect of the abolition of the death penalty in Fr...
A tribute to the cartoonist and filmmaker Chaval, aka Yvan Francis Le Louarn.
In 1581, the monk Seo-san predicts that the Japanese are planning an invasion of Korea. He goes to t...
At the consulting service for immigrants at the Avicenne Hospital in suburban Paris, we observe the ...
Bored with the limited and tedious nature of provincial life in 19th-century France, the fierce and ...
A figure skater seeks wisdom from a local sage to cure her diabetes.
The portrait of a woman who remembers. Sheila tells the story of Sheila, without concessions or evas...