The experimental animated film Song of the Flies (El Canto de las Moscas), translates the desolation caused by the violence of the Colombian armed conflict through the poetic voice of Maria Mercedes Carranza (1945–2003) and the audiovisual dialogue between 9 Colombian women. In 24 places, as a transit over the course of a day (Morning, Day, Night) a map of terror is drawn where massacres took place in Colombia in the 1990s. Archival images, the artists’ personal memories and the use of loops and analogue materials bring to life the landscapes ravaged by violence and build a polyphony of memory and mourning, a universal song of pain.
Traces the lives of the Hartings, a blind Montreal family of three who make their living singing in ...
During the Occupation, René Carmille, a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique, founded what was to bec...
This engaging series of childhood recollections tells of an unconventional school in Tokyo during Wo...
From May 10, 1940, France is living one of the worst tragedies of it history. In a few weeks, the co...
Naturalist, Alex Valdez, and a team of young documentary filmmakers will take us on an adventure to ...
Performance and conversation with husband-and-wife poets Donald Hall and Jane Kenyon at a New Jersey...
sucking on words is a documentary film that features interviews with, and extensive performances by,...
Train “Kyiv-War“ is a full-length documentary film directed by Korniy Gricyuk. The dramatic history ...
In El Salvador, Chelino tells about the indigenous massacre of 1932, of which he survived, while he ...
This documentary by filmmaker Brian Patrick explores the history and legacy of one of the most bruta...
Simba idolizes his father, King Mufasa, and takes to heart his own royal destiny. But not everyone i...
In April 1918, a disease of unknown origin swept across the five continents. In 18 months, millions ...
A Venezuelan refugee woman living in Colombia struggles through her decision to leave home with the ...
A young Irish boy named Keegan and Spanish girl named Moya journey into a magical world of the Megal...
This is a once in a generation event that needs to be examined without the usual spin that is delive...
Growing up in poverty as a child, Dylan dreamt of travelling the world on a motorcycle. Many years l...
In this farewell letter to Ana (aka Anorexia), I reveal the suffering associated with this illness. ...
At underground film of the 1st Popular Festival of Catalan Poetry filmed in the Proce Theater in Bar...