Upon his death, a young African director, Abramo Malonga, bequeathed his first and last unfinished film to his former teacher, the Italian director Fausto Morelli. Morelli, who after seeing the work, is confronted with a confusing, complex and, in part, incomprehensible work. Helped by the young widow of Abramo Malonga and by the notes left by his deceased friend, and again by his personal memories, the Italian director attempts to reconstruct and complete the film. Fausto's work progresses with difficulty, not only because of the problems the film poses for him, but because of the problems that arise in his daily life. After a long crisis, after which he returns to Pisa with his former party companions and abandons himself to love and his own solitude, Fausto takes up the work of his African friend, closing it with a final invention, in which , with a bold metaphor, has refigured the human condition of our time.
A collective cinematic project to promote tolerance and the value of diversity.
The feature film “The seven ramparts of the citadel”, a fiction recounting the conflict between an A...
Madame Rosa lives in a sixth-floor walkup in the Pigalle; she's a retired prostitute, Jewish and an ...
“La Zerda and the songs of oblivion” (1982) is one of only two films made by the Algerian novelist A...
This excellent feature-length documentary - the story of the imperialist colonization of Africa - is...
Tracing the struggle of the Algerian Front de Liberation Nationale to gain freedom from French colon...
A young victimized boy decides to confront his inner demons by drowning himself, and during the proc...
In 1982, Hadj Rahim directed "Serkadji", a fiction film about the men's quarters of the Barberousse ...
Composed of archive images narrated by the writer, anthropologist and linguist Mouloud Mammeri, the ...
South Africa, 1978. Tim Jenkin and Stephen Lee, two white political activists from the African Natio...
The story of two teenage extraterrestrial refugees from the planet Pluto, who escape to Earth after ...
Lucas, the cook, seduces America, the television star and presidential candidate. He will clandestin...
A meticulous chronicle of the evolution of the Algerian national movement from 1939 until the outbre...
The film traces the story of a patrol of the Algerian National Liberation Army (ALN), whose mission ...
The woman’s life who owns a pet changes overnight. “That Also Breathes” is a short film that will m...
The first fictional feature film produced in Algeria after independence, this film addresses one of ...
Sadly our world is divided on the basis of race, religion, region and caste and violence became the ...
A filmmaker witnesses an act of racist police violence in Paris. He discusses with a friend whether ...
The Warrior Queen of Jhansi tells the true story of Lakshmibai, the historic Queen of Jhansi who fie...
Jessica has little time to be a mother. It is on public transport - on the way between Nova Iguaçu a...