The documentary project follows the young students of a small daoist kung fu school in Wudang, China. The documentary focuses on their daily life and training, and the viewer also gets to join them on their performance trips.
A film about fireworks, the people who make them and the cultures behind them across the globe.
Experience a mystical journey through nature performed by a movement artist. Felix faces the whirlin...
"Beethoven in Beijing" starts with a forgotten moment in history —the first American orchestra's vis...
A documentary about Peking in the dawn of the new Millenium. Contains interviews with Jia Zhangke an...
A documentary that follows various practitioners of Chinese martial arts in the modern world.
How do you reconcile a commitment to non-violence when faced with violence? Why do the poor often se...
Jon Tizick and Taro Koka talk about their lives before Taekwondo, how they got into Taekwondo and ho...
Behind his polite exterior lies a formidable leader with a ruthless character, ready to do anything ...
China's top drama academy stages the American musical "Fame," China's first official collaboration w...
Dan Snow, Dr Alice Roberts and Dr Albert Lin investigate a series of earth-shattering discoveries at...
September 2019. China inaugurates the largest airport terminal in the world, which covers 700,000 m2...
In the run-up, everything actually spoke against the Chinese capital as the host of the XXIV Olympic...
Taiwan is at the heart of a struggle between two nuclear powers – China and the United States - and ...
Based on three different places, the film portrays the infractions to which people living in modern ...
A cable system designed by controversial Chinese company Huawei Technologies enables communication b...
The Chinese global machine has been invited to revitalise the ailing Swedish town of Kalmar. The tow...
A documentary that follows Michelle "The Karate Hottie" Waterson as she balances life as a mother an...