Filmmaker Angelo Madsen Minax returns to his rural Michigan hometown following the death of his infa...
As a doctor, Zhiyuan Wang spent 30 years studying how to save lives. He never imagined that he would...
For ten years, Raymond Depardon has followed the lives of farmer living in the mountain ranges. He a...
A documentary from 1987 featuring the life of early Chinese immigrants to the island of Newfoundland...
“Behind time, time comes” interlaced with folk songs, narrates the rhythms of rural life, where time...
MANUFACTURED LANDSCAPES is the striking new documentary on the world and work of renowned artist Edw...
Joris Ivens and wife Marceline Loridan took their cameras into Pharmacy No. 3 in Shanghai, which in ...
A cable system designed by controversial Chinese company Huawei Technologies enables communication b...
A report on the demographic impact of China’s one-child policy.
Filmmaker Ronald Levaco, journeys back to China, the nation of his boyhood days, to discover what be...
The Tea Explorer documentary follows the journey of tea enthusiast Jeff Fuchs along the Tea Horse Ro...
Guangzhou, a.k.a. Canton, is southern China’s centuries-old trading port. Today the booming metropol...
They are four of the most successful businesswomen in China: Belonging to a generation who experienc...
How do you reconcile a commitment to non-violence when faced with violence? Why do the poor often se...
Although first glance reveals little more than stones and sand, the desert is alive. Witness moving ...
It's the most extraordinary feat of engineering in history, and one of the most iconic man-made stru...