part 2 in the "LA in Lockdown" trilogy
Dark blood red slow shifting tones (often embedded in dark) / (often shot-thru with parallel wave-li...
Sourced entirely from YouTube, converted and edited using Windows Media Maker. A comprehensive list ...
SONG 1: Portrait of a lady (the Songs are a cycle of silent color 8mm films by the American experime...
SONGS 2 & 3: Fire and a mind’s movement in remembering (the Songs are a cycle of silent color 8mm fi...
SONGS 2 & 3: Fire and a mind’s movement in remembering (the Songs are a cycle of silent color 8mm fi...
SONG 4: Three girls playing with a ball. Hand painted (the Songs are a cycle of silent color 8mm fil...
SONG 5: A childbirth song (the Songs are a cycle of silent color 8mm films by the American experimen...
SONG 6: The painted veil via moth-death (the Songs are a cycle of silent color 8mm films by the Amer...
SONG 7: San Francisco (the Songs are a cycle of silent color 8mm films by the American experimental ...
SONG 8: Sea Creatures. The Songs are a cycle of silent color 8mm films by the American experimental ...
SONG 10: Sitting around (the Songs are a cycle of silent color 8mm films by the American experimenta...
SONG 9: Wedding source and substance (the Songs are a cycle of silent color 8mm films by the America...
SONG 11: Fires, windows, an insect, a lyre of rain scratches (the Songs are a cycle of silent color ...
SONG 12: Verticals and shadows caught in glass traps (the Songs are a cycle of silent color 8mm film...
SONG 13: A travel song of scenes and horizontals (the Songs are a cycle of silent color 8mm films by...
SONG 14: Molds, paints and crystals (the Songs are a cycle of silent color 8mm films by the American...
A silent succession of black-and-white photographs of the city of Montreal.
"…elegant yet rustic in its simplicity of execution; tugged gently toward different sides of the set...
This film is composed of three sections created to accompany a piece of music (by Barbara Feldman) o...
An observational film that using the fragmented format of a newscast program proposes a cinematic gl...