The film summarizes the origin and development of animated film at the turn of the 19th and 20th cen...
Stop-motion animated short produced as a film student graduation project at the Gobelins Animation S...
This all too timely animated taxonomy of iconic police costuming in cinema concisely examines the co...
When sleeping dogs awaken rationality quickly disappears.
A look at the trials and tribulations of school and childhood.
Ginger imagines a future for her family that is much nicer than the dark and smelly intensive Pig Fa...
Documentary about the early Mirai Mizue animation films between 2003-2010
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh: The Story Behind the Masterpiece is a behind-the-scenes docu...
The true story of a young teenage girl whose mother is incarcerated for murder. Living in a Catholic...
A space occupies it, awaiting to be unlocked by a freeing action or notion. What lies ahead is its d...
After the tragic loss of their parents, Sofi and Boban are forced to grow up way faster than kids th...
Before computer graphics, special effects wizardry, and out-of-this world technology, the magic of a...
Dr. Cooper, a puppet scientist, along with his crew, prove categorically that smoking is bad for you...
Recent scandals have revealed the brutal methods often imposed on young top athletes. Fueled by nume...
In County Durham, England, 1984, a talented young dancer, Billy Elliot, stumbles out of the boxing r...
Kindness, creativity, inclusivity, and a touch of magic makes the world a brighter place. Explore th...
On their last night of spring break, four old friends, now all college freshmen, realize their small...