In a city inhabited by drawn beings, an indigenous boy witnesses a holographic appearance. It is the...
On planet Sigma, enormous creatures are trapped inside the ice. And then, all of a sudden explosions...
Stop-motion animated short produced as a film student graduation project at the Gobelins Animation S...
A meek office worker finds himself flung into a fantasy world as a naked muscleman. An early version...
This all too timely animated taxonomy of iconic police costuming in cinema concisely examines the co...
An attempt to constitute a human / machine dialogue. It shows the filmmaker’s blood as seen / heard ...
Impressions on the topic of plastics set to Vivaldi's Winter: blizzard, dancing moons, beats ice, sp...
One of two animation loops directed by Max Hattler, inspired by the work of French outsider artist A...
The protagonist feels dead in waking life and alive in dreams.
Hand painted, scratched animated Super 8 film examining the contradictions of the psychopathology of...
Combines animation, documentary footage, and hand-painted film as well as slide projections, a paint...
First part of the Trilogy of the Island in which Poli Marichal expresses and vents the anger and fru...
In this child's game, a live-action boy and girl draw characters and compete who is better. The girl...
The final 17 years of American singer and musician Karen Carpenter, performed almost entirely by mod...
It is well known that the disposition of the images drawn by Escher are neither for animation nor fo...