This bicycle-safety film shows children what can happen when bicycles are driven carelessly and reck...
This "Theater of Life" series short looks at traffic problems in Los Angeles, California, as describ...
A 1981 educational film about the perils of school bus drivers having a bad attitude while on the jo...
Designed to develop an awareness in the viewer of why pre-trip inspections are required and the pote...
Made for hearing impaired children to help teach them lip-reading, the content discusses the importa...
A public service video which uses the main Dragon Ball characters to promote traffic safety. It was ...
A motorcycle cop buys a used car to take his family on vacation to the East Coast. Minor car trouble...
Jack and Mary (and their dog, Rags) are walking down the street when a talking car stops them and be...
Young Robbie, a keen footballer and a railway enthusiast, is persuaded by his big brother to go thro...
Dick is haunted by 2 Dicks after being crippled in a traffic accident. Will he ever walk again?
Eric Clapton plays old hits and new ones in this Grammy Award winning special.
This film is about the vast, invisible world of government secrecy. By focusing on classified secret...
A feature-length documentary about our complex relationship with manufactured objects and, by extens...
This 2004 documentary by Werner Herzog diaries the struggle of a passionate English inventor to desi...