This highway scare film produced by the Highway Safety Foundation in 1971, "Decade of Death", is a retrospective of the organization's 10 years of gory, shocking social guidance films which aimed to promote traffic safety and driver responsibility through the display of bloody and horrific footage of traffic crashes.The Highway Safety Foundation made driver scare films such as "Signal 30," "Mechanized Death," and "Highways of Agony" that intended to encourage drivers to drive responsibly and with consideration of the risks and consequences. It was the organization's belief that crash footage, while horrific, was the best way to convey the importance of driving safely.
This "Theater of Life" series short looks at traffic problems in Los Angeles, California, as describ...
The Le Mans race in 1955 made history through tragedy when more than 80 spectators were killed. Unco...
This bicycle-safety film shows children what can happen when bicycles are driven carelessly and reck...
Brief scenes of death related material: mortuaries, accidents and police work are filmed by TV crews...
Investigating deadly truck accidents and the fight over measures that could save lives.
Designed to develop an awareness in the viewer of why pre-trip inspections are required and the pote...
The dangers of LSD are driven home to teenagers in this classroom training film, which is "narrated"...
Tobacco, climate change, pesticides,... Never has scientific knowledge seemed so vast, detailed and ...
A 1981 educational film about the perils of school bus drivers having a bad attitude while on the jo...
This film covers the early history of post World War II educational films, especially those involvin...
The most far spot of Iran desert. 'Habib o-llah Qolami', a poor and old farmer looses his young son ...
Dabbling in the occult is widespread and often thought of as harmless entertainment. But this video ...
In this film, a police officer tells children about the dangers of accepting rides or presents from ...
A live-action short, using many avant-garde film techniques, that looks at American car culture in t...
Hospital staff are reporting more violence and anti-social behaviour than ever before. In 2015, 8 st...
An exclusive interview with Death as he goes about his everyday business.
Cute and seemingly innocent toys are opening your home to the occult. Witchcraft may well have gaine...