The stories of four Iranian families who emigrate to Canada and the city they leave behind. As depar...
"Our Family" is a film about the time that we can't get back. I left my home along with my friends a...
The film explores the reasons for emigrating from Italy and describes the feeling of being a strange...
On 28 October 2015, a migrant boat left the coast of Western Turkey heading to the closest European ...
Mali - Algeria - Libya - Italy. Issa’s escape from West Africa to the European mainland lasted ten y...
The Stella Maris Berria is a tuna vessel destined for scrapping. However, Iñigo Mijangos and Iñigo G...
Each year over 1.2 million wildebeest travel across the vast Serengeti plains and Kenya's Masai Mara...
Ilya learned street-smarts in the harsh realities of Russia's Far North, book-smarts in literature c...
Viramundo shows the saga of the northeastern migrants that arrive in São Paulo, beginning with a tra...
Two countries, two restaurants, one vision. At Gabriela Cámara's acclaimed Contramar in Mexico City,...
A metaphor of the Flood in our times, The Flood is the rain of violence that washes over us. Noah´s ...
Living in downtown Toronto to attend school, Lina Li returns to the comfort of home in Thornhill and...
As daylight breaks between the border cities of El Paso, Texas, and Juarez, Mexico, undocumented mig...
In rural Kosovo, identical houses are built for family members working abroad, in the hope that they...
Documentary about a "transportation commando" in Germany with the goal to deport 200 people to Alban...
Between 1931 to 2002, Switzerland issued some six million seasonal residence permits, known as "A" p...
Almost eight years ago the family of Marcela Gómez separated. His parents and younger sister emigrat...