This documentary follows various migratory bird species on their long journeys from their summer hom...
Fafai, a young boy, lives with his grandfather on the island of Glamador in the Camargue. To help th...
This Feature documentary is about the lives of Louis Brunke and Vladimir Fissenko who rode on horseb...
A bold documentary in a measured style about the modern-day quest for meaning and personal growth.
Wild bears that bother livestock are captured with ropes and shipped to zoos.
A short documentary comemmorating 50 years of the Tiverton Canal Co. operating on the Grand Western ...
Some 150 wild horses live in an expanse of desert, grassland and rock along Namibia’s west coast - a...
This short film focuses on Bess, considered to be the smartest horse in the movies, as she works wit...
A film by Louis Aimé Augustin Le Prince, shot in late October 1888, showing pedestrians and carriage...
An inspiring journey of recovery from two very different worlds. Set against the stunning backdrop o...
Fueled by stunning footage, this stirring documentary considers wild horses' role in the American ps...
In 1996, John used to proudly ride around on his horse in Ballymun of Dublin. Now, 20 years later, t...
Told in the cinematic tradition of classic westerns, “COWBOYS - A Documentary Portrait” is a feature...
American horses are icons. Mustang. Appaloosa. Morgan. Quarter Horse. Each breed has a unique story ...
The work of Leiden professor Bastiaans on dealing with the trauma of war victims attracts the attent...
Have you ever been to the bullfights in Tijuana? Larry Wessel's TAUROBOLIUM is not only cinema veri...
Journey across Morocco, Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Patagonia, Texas and British Columbia, to meet vaq...
Made in 1939 by Seabiscuit's owner Charles Howard. This inspirational film chronicles Seabiscuit's ...