This documentary follows various migratory bird species on their long journeys from their summer homes to the equator and back, covering thousands of miles and navigating by the stars. These arduous treks are crucial for survival, seeking hospitable climates and food sources. Birds face numerous challenges, including crossing oceans and evading predators, illness, and injury. Although migrations are undertaken as a community, birds disperse into family units once they reach their destinations, and every continent is affected by these migrations, hosting migratory bird species at least part of the year.
This is the planet we still know so little. We call it Earth but less than 1/3 is land, over 2/3 is ...
There is a mystery there and the answer lies somewhere between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami. Hundr...
Like a lone cowboy, Sergei passionately devotes his life to traditional horse breeding in the impene...
The film highlights legendary Colombian birdwatching guide Diego Calderon-Franco and National Geogra...
The climbing brothers Thomas and Alexander Huber (Germany) attempt to conquer free the infamous "Bav...
In the early 1900s commercial loggers cut down an old growth spruce tree growing on a small island s...
A short film featuring a coastal forest and the rocky coastline of downeast Maine.
A short film featuring a pebble beach and coastal salt marsh in Maine.
Join superstars Megan Abubo, Chelsea Georgeson, and Sofia Mulanovich as they create sparks in Indone...
An epic story of adventure, starring some of the most magnificent and courageous creatures alive, aw...
A short documentary comemmorating 50 years of the Tiverton Canal Co. operating on the Grand Western ...
As co-created by environmentalists Stephan Poulle and Nicolas Koutsikas, the documentary Gulf Stream...
Sir David Attenborough narrates a documentary about the Kea, the world's only alpine parrot. Playful...
The long running, often bitter scientific debate over the origin of birds and the evolution of fligh...
This Feature documentary is about the lives of Louis Brunke and Vladimir Fissenko who rode on horseb...
Fafai, a young boy, lives with his grandfather on the island of Glamador in the Camargue. To help th...
Documentary detailing the hardships of life among Alaskan Natives.