United by an uncompromising struggle as members of the infamous 1970s far-left terrorist group Prima...
Young teen girl Xiu Xiu is sent away to a remote corner of the Sichuan steppes for manual labor in 1...
This excellent and breathtaking documentary is the result of a long study on the Gulag to try to und...
A woman prisoner is harshly incarcerated and suddenly released.
Three family cope with having lost their only child in 2008 deadly Chinese earthquake.
A documentary about the modern controversy between Poland and Russia over Russian prisoners of war f...
Emmy Awards nominee for "Outstanding Individual Achievement in a Craft: Research: Multi-faceted por...
The story of what daily life was like in Poland under communism: private conversations, cruel interr...
Eric Clapton plays old hits and new ones in this Grammy Award winning special.
15 year old Sam discovers the difference between a crush and gender envy when out on a date with pop...
In 1944 France, an American Intelligence Squad locates a German Platoon wishing to surrender rather ...
Three Italian-American brothers, living in the slums of 1940's New York City, try to help each other...
This film is about the vast, invisible world of government secrecy. By focusing on classified secret...
Academy Award winner Mira Sorvino, Academy and Golden Globe Award winner Anjelica Huston and Stephen...