This expansive Greek drama follows a troupe of theater actors as they perform around their country during World War II. While the production that they put on is entitled "Golfo the Shepherdess," the thespians end up echoing scenes from classic Greek tales in their own lives, as Elektra plots revenge on her mother for the death of her father, and seeks help from her brother, Orestes, a young anti-fascist rebel.
A security leak is found at a Southern California atomic plant. The authorities stand in fear that t...
A behind-the-scenes documentary about the Clinton for President campaign, focusing on the adventures...
Set in modern upper-crust Manhattan, an exploration of love and commitment as seen through the eyes ...
Through the eyes of a British "documentary", this film takes a satirically humorous, and sometimes f...
A lonely, recluse sculptor must confront his inner turmoil and reckon with his romantic desires when...
Spy spoof about Boysie Oakes, a British secret agent who specialises in Liquidating. In actual fact ...
An evocative and imaginative exploration of the racial tensions in Othello and how the themes in Sha...
In this exciting spy drama, enemy agents endeavor to steal the plans for a top secret silent aircraf...
A young Greek man goes to Paris seeking help from a solitary and almost misanthropic distant relativ...
Spain in the 1930s is the place to be for a man of action like Robert Jordan. There is a civil war g...
For the first time in Korean history, the mayor of Seoul attempts a third term in office, with his e...
Communists blackmail a shipping executive into spying for them.
An experimental film about peaceful and carefree life in a small Dalmatian town, which turns into bl...
Witnessing the disparities and conflicts among a group of young adults, a clear-sighted 10-year-old ...
"Cool Young" tells the story of the emotional life of employees in a grey area of Chinese society.
When a crime organization from North Korea crosses borders and enters South Korean soil, a South Kor...
Louise, an unfulfilled divorced woman with regrets, gets the chance to relive her past when she meet...
A young artist has a tragic accident but lives one dreamy last day visiting all the people in her li...
A senator fights for the passage of a war-preparedness bill, while foreign spies conspire to plan an...
French docu-drama which chronicles the chain of events that lead to the hanging of German-journalist...