Virgin School follows the emotional and physical journey of 26-year-old virgin James as he embarks o...
The true, harrowing story of a young Jewish girl who, with her family and their friends, is forced i...
Documentary about a group of young idealistic friends in their squat in Amsterdam. Chased by the pol...
When filmmaker Mari Soppela took her children and husband to live for a year on a sacred mountain in...
Stories about young Ukrainian dancers and their hasty flight to the Netherlands. You see their new l...
At 41 years old, the Quebecois conductor Yannick Nézet-Séguin has established himself as one of the ...
A worn-out floor, the hole underneath, a political activist, and the Ouled Sbita tribe are the prota...
After a $30K film project went south, Isaiah had to make a risky decision to flip the idea upside do...
Rhythmic composition of moving photographs of cyclists in Amsterdam, ‘set’ to Vivaldi’s The Four Sea...
21st century legal prostitution through the frank stories of Amsterdam red-light district sex worker...
Johan van der Keuken went against the grain in 1980: from Amsterdam (on April 30 with the coronation...
When Germany invades Holland in 1940, a British intelligence officer and two Dutch diamond merchants...
This fascinating record of Edwardian Nottingham was filmed from the driver's platform of a tram on a...
In 2023, there were an estimated 30.6 thousand homeless people. This number continues to rise at an ...
The city from the unique perspective of the many wild animals and plants that inhabit it. Seen throu...
Amsterdam's world-famous red-light district is the fascinating backdrop to the story of plucky prost...
A short animated documentary exploring the immigration experience through the eyes of children learn...
Rotterdam 2040 is a film about the city’s future, departing from the principle of Gyz La Rivière tha...