Based on the hit animated television series, this feature film adaptation tells the story of how Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup - three exuberant young girls - obtain their unique powers, become superheroes and join forces to foil evil mutant monkey Mojo Jojo's plan to take over the world.
The film follows the Safari Ressha who run the Galaxy Line, their conductor named Lady, and the Shad...
Children have been going missing. Police are baffled. A community quakes with fear. A hero is needed...
The Filipino superheroine and her little brother Ding must defend their village from alien-controlle...
The film begins with footage of Bruce Lee's funeral. The narrator then says that there is a new acto...
Houtaro and friends are suddenly attacked by Glion. As they struggle against enemies that appear one...
A clown, pizza guy and flower girl walk into a hotel... to kill someone.
Released to commemorate Kamen Rider 555's 20th anniversary, the film takes place after the ending of...
Slim muscular women, with bare midriffs, demonstrate kuo shu martial arts, fighting with long sticks...
The first Brazilian movie adaptation of a national super-hero comic.
Takatora Kureshima (Kamen Rider Zangetsu) visits a former Yggdrasill Corporation experimental projec...
When a power enhancing drug has hallucinogenic side effects on kickboxer, Jack, he refuses to take i...
In the chaotic border town of Thon Thong, a man witnesses his close friend getting gunned down right...
In this rousing sequel to Kickboxer, Tong Po broods about his defeat at the hands of Kurt Sloan. Po ...
A country boy becomes the head of a gang through the purchase of some lucky roses from an old lady. ...
After the loss of her best friend, Gwen Stacy is thrust into a world beyond anything she could’ve im...
Goro is a sommelier who transforms into the titular Kamen Rider G to fight the former anti-terrorism...
An animated revival of golden-era superhero Atlas, which tells the story of timid office clerk Jim R...
From the immensely popular FIST OF THE NORTH STAR comic book series, comes a new hero. The fate of m...
A terrorist places an atom bomb somewhere in an American metropolis. The president of the U.S. has n...
In order to counter the rapidly increasing organized crime, the development of Polymar Suits resumed...