In this feature film based on the hit animated series, the third graders of South Park sneak into an R-rated film by ultra-vulgar Canadian television personalities Terrance and Phillip, and emerge with expanded vocabularies that leave their parents and teachers scandalized. When outraged Americans try to censor the film, the controversy spirals into a call to wage war on Canada and Terrance and Phillip end up on death row, with the kids their only hope of rescue.
Raoul Duke and his attorney Dr. Gonzo drive a red convertible across the Mojave desert to Las Vegas ...
Jaded 74-year-old lizard Leo has been stuck in the same Florida classroom for decades with his terra...
17 year old Jasper lives in a very grey, small town. In his family, he cannot be himself. Jasper's d...
Hop on your flying carpet, because this musical parody retells the classic tale of Aladdin... from t...
Two drag queens and a transgender woman contract to perform a drag show at a resort in Alice Springs...
Jerry Mulligan is an exuberant American expatriate in Paris trying to make a reputation as a painter...
Two screwy characters travel to Hollywood and cause mischief.
Amanda awakes from a one-night stand with woman she can't get away from quickly enough. Her gay frie...
Lucifer II has been successfully hunting human souls for three thousand years. However, he has a pro...
Young Stanzi who is visiting Vienna helps a young corporal and musician to become famous for his mar...
Sink is set in Tomioka’s brightly coloured yet worn and grubby surreal world, where on this occasion...
Sera is the queen of the school, and everyone who bothers her becomes the "sacrifice", which is mist...
In a surreal universe where bananas fire laser beams and soup cans are used as grenades, a wacky cas...
When a machine that allows therapists to enter their patient's dreams is stolen, all hell breaks loo...
Gloria Cole and Eddie Swenson are working to keep an old fire house, now being used as a youth cente...
The American Beauty Association is about to hold its annual trade show in New York City and songwrit...
In the Swedish city of Lethe, people from different walks of life take part in a series of short, de...
Kibosh, supreme ruler of all ghosts, decrees that casper must scare at least one person before Chris...