The film follows Postcommodity, an interdisciplinary arts collective comprised of Raven Chacon, Cris...
The Way of the Psychonaut explores the life and work of Stanislav Grof, Czech-born psychiatrist and ...
An encounter with the last shamans of Bolivia's Beni River Valley brings the audience on an intimate...
A vision from Limbo, where the canoeist of the eternal lake floats in his boat, between sleep and wa...
It became world news in October 2019 when economic reforms in Ecuador led to gas prices suddenly sho...
Brazilian singer Maria Bethania has a 40-year singing career. A documentary shows her concerts and f...
A documentary that exposes the shocking truths behind industrial food production and food wastage, f...
In this documentary Coutinho examines the plight of the people who live off the waste of the Brazili...
How do we heal our deepest wounds? Two combat veterans, suffering from severe trauma, abandon pharma...
In this "fake documentary", a doctor returns to Brazil after his studies in Paris. Setting out to pr...
Andean communities fight to protect their water from contamination by mining companies.
In Peruvian Amazonia, for the first time in many years, a Shipibo–Konibo community prepare to perfor...
3 ex-presidents of Brazil, 12 ex-ministers of State, 7 ex-governors of the Central Bank, bank owners...
Is there a possible common link between the migration patterns of Monarch Butterflies and Personalit...
In the Espinhaço Mountains one winter, a group of small-town Brazilian girls are experiencing the en...
Footage from the first ever São Paulo LGBTQ Pride Parade, which took place on the 28th of June 1997 ...
It is late 2004, and 34-year-old Englishman Alistair Appleton is about to fly from London to the Bra...
To do this documentary, the director Pedro Henrique Fávero featured 42 characters - among MCs, DJs a...
Resonating Surfaces is triple portrait, of a city, a woman and an attitude to life. For the personal...