"China Blue" is an engrossing documentary that tells the story of 3 teenage girls who leave their rural homes in China to come work for a factory that makes blue jeans.
Concerning Violence is based on newly discovered, powerful archival material documenting the most da...
In this highly anticipated sequel to his groundbreaking, ADVERTISING AND THE END OF THE WORLD, media...
The Price of Cheap tells the stories of modern slaves in textiles manufacturing supply chains and th...
The film deals with the process of globalization based on the thought of geographer Milton Santos, w...
In suburban Buenos Aires, thirty unemployed ceramics workers walk into their idle factory, roll out ...
This prophecy movie is a breath-taking prophetic glimpse into the future. World renowned authors Hal...
A documentary that exposes the shocking truths behind industrial food production and food wastage, f...
Water as a physical and metaphysical metaphor and background of human existence. A docu-fictional es...
A comic, biting and revelatory documentary following a small group of prankster activists as they ga...
In a village in Thailand, Pomm works in a care center for Europeans with Alzheimer's. While she is s...
Is our food bought at the price of famine in the developing world? Is agribusiness more interested i...
'The Devil's Miner' tells the story of 14-year-old Basilio who worships the devil for protection whi...
A film that exposes the shocking truth behind the economic crisis of 2008. The global financial melt...
Discover the heart-wrenching tale of Ecuador’s forgotten guitar road in “Vanishing Strings of the An...
Behind the fluffy towels and crisp white sheets of Berlin's finest hotels is a tale of seemingly bri...
A team of journalists investigate how human trafficking and child labor in the Ivory Coast fuels the...
Through the eyes of grandmother Rumidjah, a poor old Christian woman living in the slums of Jakarta,...
John Wilson wakes up, gets ready for his day and heads to work. He has no idea that he's being watch...
United We Fall is a documentary about a North American Union that is being developed right now betwe...