This short documentary shows how a city's water supply is purified at a filtration plant. The comple...
During lockdown, Telmo Esnal recovered a long-forgotten project: 'UR', a tale by Pablo Azkue taking ...
The film tells of the beginnings of the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. At the end of the 1950s...
After twenty years in power, Vladimir Putin continues to implement his geopolitical strategy with Ru...
Deep Blue is a major documentary feature film shot by the BBC Natural History Unit. An epic cinemati...
A timely film exploring the confrontation between a feisty 92-year-old Scottish widow and her family...
A documentary that exposes the shocking truths behind industrial food production and food wastage, f...
The story of the cross destiny of George Orwell (1903-50) and Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), the genius ...
Ukrainian journalist Katya Soldak, currently living in New York City and working for Forbes magazine...
From both local and global perspectives, this documentary examines the harsh realities behind the mo...
Film deals with the problematic of the water exploitation, contamination and manipulation. The docum...
A look back over nine years of the Syrian Civil War, an inextricable conflict, like a black box, due...
Journey with the musicians of the Berlin Philharmonic and their conductor Sir Simon Rattle on a brea...
The interview, held on January 4, 2001, was the last given by Professor Milton Santos, who died from...
The inside story of the bitter clash between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. A...
The apocalyptic blast in the Port of Beirut, Lebanon, on August 4, 2020, exacerbates anger at those ...
The Current tells the story of individuals from all walks of life that have faced incredible obstacl...