Eunmi, a woman who underwent intense anti-communist education while she grew up in South Korea, lives a normal life in America. However, after going on a trip to North Korea with her husband, her life begins to change. During an open forum event in South Korea, where she was invited to speak, she suffers the unimaginable, and the more she tries to escape from the situation, the worse and worse it gets.
A documentary about the some athletes of South Korea and how can they inspire a new generation.
In 2000, in the era of inter-Korean reconciliation, 63 non-converted prisoners were repatriated to t...
Professor Song, staying in Germany, was suspected of espionage and banned from Korea. Now he's expec...
In 2003 Song Du-yul, a philosophy professor, decides to go back to his homeland after spending thirt...
The film deals with the rights of Japanese-Koreans -born in Japan but without Japanese passport or n...
A journey through several countries to find those who really know Kim Jong-un, North Korea's leader,...
YU Wooseong who had been working as a civil servant is on trial for espionage following his sibling’...
Under the loving but firm guidance of an old fan turned director and cultural diplomat, and to the s...
Combining a humorous and affectionate family portrait, a historical film and a search for identity, ...
When the MV Sewol ferry sank off the coast of South Korea in 2014, over three hundred people lost th...
What happens when a group of international artists travel to North Korea to create art like the regi...
Punk bands in Korea get invited to biggest hardcore punk festival in Tokyo. This movie shows how one...
In October 2015, the evicted residents who had imprisoned on a false charge of killing a policeman a...
In this powerful tale about the rise of Korea’s global adoption program, four adult adoptees return ...
Portentously portrays the evacuation of Portland, Oregon, when threatened by a nuclear attack on its...
Join National Geographic's Lisa Ling as she captures a rare look inside North Korea - something few ...
A group of women climbs a summer mountain situated in South Korea. They are refugees who have settle...