Over the course of one year, this film follows the life of an ordinary Pyongyang family whose daughter was chosen to take part in Day of the Shining Star (Kim Jong-il's birthday) celebration. While North Korean government wanted a propaganda film, the director kept on filming between the scripted scenes. The ritualized explosions of color and joy contrast sharply with pale everyday reality, which is not particularly terrible, but rather quite surreal.
It was the biggest escape in the history of the Berlin Wall: in one historic night of October 1964, ...
Robert Mitchum narrates an anti drug propaganda film.
World Order is a nearly two-hour documentary film by documentary film director Vladimir Soloviev exa...
This short film, produced at the end of WWII, warns that although Adolf Hitler is dead, his ideas li...
Oscar winning postwar propaganda film in support of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Adm...
The true story of the massacre of a small Czech village by the Nazis is retold as if it happened in ...
A journey through several countries to find those who really know Kim Jong-un, North Korea's leader,...
A relentless chronicle of the tragedy of the Uighurs, an ethnic minority of some eleven million peop...
About five years after her film, Hana, dul, sed ... (2009), filmmaker Brigitte Weich returns to Nort...
It’s October 10 2020 and Kim Jong-un presents the largest mobile rocket on Earth. Jippe Liefbroer, I...
Nazi propaganda film contrasting Germany in the days before Adolf Hitler became Chancellor with the ...
Is it possible to have fun in Pyongyang? Can one be joyful in the Democratic People’s Republic of Ko...
Under the loving but firm guidance of an old fan turned director and cultural diplomat, and to the s...
On September 6, 2017, the Catalan regional government called an independence referendum. This propag...
The Oil Symphony is a film about the heroic efforts of Azerbaijani labourers drilling for oil.
In the United States of America, lobbyists, corporations and billionaires invest millions of dollars...
The documentary Their Kingdom, co-directed in 1928 by Nutsa Gogoberidze and Mikhail Kalatozishvili (...
Propaganda short film depicting the rise of Nazism in Germany and how political propaganda is simila...
What happens when a group of international artists travel to North Korea to create art like the regi...
The explosion at Chernobyl was ten times worse than the Hiroshima bomb and was due to a combination ...