The story revolves around high school boy Ayumu Tamari, who has an illness that makes him start to turn to stone when he's stressed. Since he couldn't fit in with his class, after repeating a year, he declared that he wanted to have a "Sparkly youth" as well. To do this, he changed his hair and clothes to be more fashionable, and constantly checked for popular topics to stay in the know. In the midst of Ayumu's life of making a facade, his homeroom teacher and stone-loving geology teacher Kouya Onihara says that Ayumu's stone transformation is beautiful. Ayumu begins to become attracted to Kouya, who starts to give him advice.
Bombing case at Nichiuri TV in autumn. The Satsuki Cup, which crowns the winner of Japan's Hyakunin ...
Beyond the human realm, there is a magical race of beings who control the tides and the changing of ...
All vile things must come to an end, and for Daria Morgendorffer that means it's time to look beyond...
In the remote Southern Cross Island, a secret organization named The Glittering Crux plans to reacti...
During the end of the world, two best friends walk around their city, talking about their sex lives,...
In 1942, on a train to nowhere, a former drag queen remembers a night from her past in one of Paris’...
An otherworldly evil is slipping into a small town in Sweden. Six unrelated girls have been chosen t...
It's 1986, tormented teenager Henry is struggling with his sexuality and abusive home life. Henry si...
After 20 years in space, Rocko returns to a technologically advanced O-Town and makes it his mission...
A valiant island warrior, wounded in battle against foreign invaders, falls into a mysterious underw...
Two boys play poker on a dull afternoon. As one boy inadvertently touches and makes eye contact with...
Being caught at school giving each other a hickey, Manu (14) and Toña (15) begin a journey of desire...
A mysterious oriental skull transforms a father into his son, and vice versa.
Schoolboy Hinata has a big crush on his classmate Shigure, but is too shy to tell her. On the day Sh...
A lonely career machinist falls for a troubled young artist and they are drawn together while being ...
TV adaptation of the novel "Twenty-Four Eyes", combining animation with a few live-action scenes.
The teacher at school made a scientific experiment - he put two rats in different cages. One of the ...
In a post apocalyptic world where vampires and witches rule, a male vampire falls in love with a hum...
After narrowly escaping a bizarre accident, a troubled teenager is plagued by visions of a large bun...
The protagonist of the story, Konoha Inoue, is a seemingly normal senior high 2nd year student. His ...