A moving account, in his own words, of the personal life and work of the brilliant Czech filmmaker M...
Marking Out is a comedic documentary that follows a group of grown men as they try to figure out why...
The story of how Sicilian Mafia boss Tommaso Buscetta (1928-2000), the Godfather of Two Worlds, reve...
Documentary about the life and career of Japanese actor Chishu Ryu.
A tribute to the legendary Japanese film director featuring the reflections of filmmakers Lindsay An...
The work of legendary actor François Simon, son of Michel Simon.
An hour-long documentary on the life and career of actor David Gulpilil.
Documentary about basketball player Pete Maravich. The legend of "Pistol Pete" Maravich was born on ...
Werner Herzog's documentary film about the "Grizzly Man" Timothy Treadwell and what the thirteen sum...
A 1993 TV special and biography of Sean Connery featuring archive footage and appearances by Albert ...
Director Thomas Heise picks up the biographical pieces left by his family, and composes an epic pict...
Documentary footage of the author and his two daughters at home.
1/4 - In 1925, the young M’hamed El Anka replaced his master Nador at short notice. He realizes that...
Introducing his never before seen 'leaping one-hander' to the masses on a national level, Kenny Sail...
The story of lyrical genius, Martin Phillipps and his band, The Chills, is a cautionary tale, a triu...
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was an Ottoman and Turkish army officer, revolutionary statesman, writer, and ...
A documentary special that provides a rare view into the real Charles behind the headlines… told in ...
Why do we see so many severely mentally ill people on the street off treatment? Delaney has seen her...
Charting his unique journey from humble beginnings in Ireland to superstardom as Britain's best-love...
Indonesian noise, the largest scene of extreme and independent music scene is the biggest in South-E...