Feared as killers, sharks are the ocean's most misunderstood creatures. This documentary tells their...
In April 2013, a fishing vessel was attacked off the coast of South Africa, killing all on board. A ...
Deep Blue is a major documentary feature film shot by the BBC Natural History Unit. An epic cinemati...
There is not more merciless and sly hunter, than greater white shark. She is legally considered one ...
See the world's first MRI scan of a great white shark as Ultimate Shark reveals the extreme engineer...
Peter Gimbel and a team of photographers set out on an expedition to find and film, for the very fir...
Melvin and Buddy are two space-exploring pups on a mission. Scarfing down facts like dog biscuits is...
Atmospheric soundtrack follows this compilation of nature footage that focuses on the ocean and vari...
Driven by passion fed from a life-long fascination with sharks, Rob Stewart debunks historical stere...
With Pete Smith providing dry off-screen commentary, we watch some serious fishing: a marlin caught ...
Greenland is the largest island in the world and the landmass closest to the North Pole. 80% of the ...
Join renowned explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau as he investigates aquatic habitats worldwide, showcasi...
This films reveals the extraordinary variety of life found in the vast blue expanses of the open oce...
Groundbreaking documentary which follows a Japanese-led team of scientists as they attempt to shed l...
The director's affection for the Londrina Esporte Clubeb (LEC) and his grandfather is transmitted th...
A documentary on the life of the people of the Aran Islands, who were believed to contain the essen...
In recent years, an unusual spate of deadly shark attacks has gripped Australia, resulting in five d...
There's a mysterious predator lurking in the depths of Australia's wild Southern Ocean, a beast that...
Valerie Taylor is a shark fanatic and an Australian icon – a marine maverick who forged her way as a...