Let There Be Light follows the story of dedicated scientists working to build a small sun on Earth, which would unleash perpetual, cheap, clean energy for mankind. After decades of failed attempts, a massive push is now underway to crack the holy grail of energy.
The Dream Is Alive takes you into space alongside the astronauts on the space shuttle. Share with th...
Dr. Helen Caldicott is the most prominent anti-nuclear activist in the world. She's been featured on...
An examination of the extinction threat faced by frogs, which have hopped on Earth for some 250 mill...
What caused Building 7 to collapse on 9/11? Dr. Leroy Hulsey from the University of Alaska Fairbanks...
Richard Feynman was a scientific genius with - in his words - a "limited intelligence". This dichoto...
Thirty distinguished astronomers are visited at their observatories throughout the world in this com...
There are endless gruesome ways that the world could end; through nasty, natural disasters or becaus...
The biggest tech revolution of the 21st century isn’t digital, it’s biological. A breakthrough calle...
Anatomist Alice Roberts embarks on a quest to rebuild her own body from scratch, taking inspiration ...
A documentary on Al Gore's campaign to make the issue of global warming a recognized problem worldwi...
Physicist Dr Helen Czerski takes us on a journey into the science of bubbles - not just fun toys, bu...
Prof. Jim Al-Khalili tackles the biggest subject of all, the universe. Through a series of critical ...
From Raymond Baxter live on Tomorrow's World testing a new-fangled bulletproof vest on a nervous inv...
Chaos theory has a bad name, conjuring up images of unpredictable weather, economic crashes and scie...
A celebration of the universe, displaying the whole of time, from its start to its final collapse. T...
Is building our own starship Enterprise possible? Will we ever travel between the stars as easily as...
The Scorpions belong to the oldest land-based arachnides with over 1800 different species known to e...
Fascinating -- and unintentionally funny -- experiments at Austria's famed Institute for Experimenta...
This documentary examines theories behind the creation of gamma ray bursts, destructive explosions i...
A group of renowned cosmologists and astrophysicist are in search of a realistic picture of the univ...