The vastness of space boggles the mind, and the beauty and diversity we find there demands a Creator. Take an awe-inspiring tour through our own solar system plus nebulae, galaxies, and more with this just-released new version of Created Cosmos—the popular creation-based planetarium program from the Creation Museum. This special edition has brand new effects plus more vivid colors in striking high definition. The drastically improved graphics make the Created Cosmos Special Edition look like a completely new program. Bonus features include a new full-length commentary by Created Cosmos author Dr. Jason Lisle, and the Special Edition Featurette compares new graphics to those from the original release. Features updated content and graphics. 22 minutes plus bonus features.
One of the most asked questions is why a loving God allowsdeath and suffering. The heart of the Crea...
Williamstown, Kentucky, is home to the Ark Encounter – a “life-size” creationist museum filled with ...
The long running, often bitter scientific debate over the origin of birds and the evolution of fligh...
Are there dinosaurs living on earth today? In this video Lead Pastor of CSE Dr. Kent Hovind talks ab...
Pro-intelligent design scholars and scientists are often chastised, fired or denied tenured position...
Why are many scientists abandoning their belief in traditional evolution? The concept of evolution h...
Unmasks fraudulent cover-ups, wild speculations, and deceitful myths that have been presented as the...
Understanding mankind's true origin is essential in determining one's final destiny. This visually r...
The three protagonists listen to a storyteller recount the creation as well as the Fall. At the same...
A scientist explains how the savagery and efficiency of the insect world could result in their takin...
Darwin's great insight – that life has evolved over millions of years by natural selection – has bee...
Filmmaker and evolutionary biologist Randy Olson tries to figure out if it is the Darwinists or Inte...
Marion is an artist with FSH, an incurable muscular myopathy. She guides us on the path she has take...
David Attenborough takes us on a guided tour through the secret world of plants, to see things no un...
It is the demand of every skeptic: prove to me that God exists. Of course making a decision to accep...
A fascinating new look at the biblical, historical, and scientific evidence for Creation and the Flo...
A documentary that explores the natural world of the sea, from the single-celled organism to more co...
The film presents the Bible's account of God's plan from the creation of the earth through to the en...
Featuring Michael Pollan and based on his best-selling book, this special takes viewers on an explor...