Documentary focuses on Sona, the daughter of the director’s brother who moved to North Korea from Japan in the early 1970s. Through Sona, the film shows the generation that migrated from Japan to North Korea and their offspring who were born and raised in North Korea.
About five years after her film, Hana, dul, sed ... (2009), filmmaker Brigitte Weich returns to Nort...
It’s October 10 2020 and Kim Jong-un presents the largest mobile rocket on Earth. Jippe Liefbroer, I...
A journey through several countries to find those who really know Kim Jong-un, North Korea's leader,...
A real-life undercover thriller about two ordinary men who embark on an outrageously dangerous ten-y...
Is it possible to have fun in Pyongyang? Can one be joyful in the Democratic People’s Republic of Ko...
In 1962, a U.S. soldier sent to guard the peace in South Korea deserted his unit, walked across the ...
Two young North Korean gymnasts prepare for an unprecedented competition in this documentary that of...
Shedding new light on a geopolitical hot spot, the film — written and produced by John Maggio and na...
The first film to fully expose the humanitarian crisis of North Korea, this stylish, deeply moving d...
Join National Geographic's Lisa Ling as she captures a rare look inside North Korea - something few ...
A journey through Kim Jong Un’s past and present to understand the man and the myth who holds North ...
They speak the same language, share a similar culture and once belonged to a single nation. When the...
This is a 25-minutes piece about the DPRK (North Korea), a country Vltchek visited and fell in love ...
If the cityscapes and patriotic anthems of this film seem a far cry from the bleak landscape of Seou...
A prismatic exploration recounting the 1950s visit of Parisian elites led by Chris Marker and Claude...
"A Postcard from Pyongyang" is a journey into a deeply enigmatic and completely isolated country tha...
Dennis Rodman is on a mission. After forging an unlikely friendship with North Korean leader Kim Jon...
Bob Woodruff’s daring 880-mile journey along the China-North Korea border examines the delicate rela...
The escalation of tensions between Pyongyang and Washington continues, plunging the world into fear ...
In Maija Blåfield’s documentary, eight former North Koreans talk about what it was like to watch ill...