The drama tells the story of an Argentine elementary-school teacher sent by the government to a rural hamlet located in the northwestern province of Jujuy. It shows how he touches the lives of the villagers, especially the young and impressionable boy Verónico, whose mother died and father left to seek work when he was an infant. The film is based on a non-fiction book written by Fortunato Ramos, a rural teacher in northwest Argentina, that discusses his teaching experiences.
A story about a troubled boy growing up in England, set in 1983. He comes across a few skinheads on ...
The Falklands Play is a dramatic account of the political events leading up to, and including, the 1...
Documentary film about the then longest range bombing mission in history, which changed the outcome ...
A detailed account of each of the details of the Malvinas War based on interviews, dramatic scenes, ...
Based on actual accounts, this film portrays the days and hours before and during the invasion of th...
Pedro, a Falklands veteran, cannot forget the days when he was in the trenches, nor can he forget Ra...
Argentine film about the experiences of conscripts in the Falklands War.
Five years after the war in the Falklands between Britain and Argentina, many facts were still wrapp...
For many, the name Malvinas/Falklands evokes an absurd war between England and Argentina in 1982. Fo...
A look at the life of Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, with a foc...
The film centers on the experiences of Robert Lawrence MC, an officer of the Scots Guards during the...
As England begins its military engagement in the Falklands, a BBC news journalist attempts to climb ...
On the 40th anniversary of the conflict, senior commanders and ground troops reveal how a series of ...
The story of the relatives of the 649 Argentine fallen in the Malvinas War, who as soon as the milit...
The Falklands War - A Military History. It is over twenty years since Argentine forces invaded the F...