This documentary short-film follows the story of The White Bus Cinema based in Southend-on-Sea. They...
Charlie Chaplin, The Tramp. In this documentary, we will take a look at the life of actor and direc...
Upon his arrival in Paris, filmmaker Tomas Cali immerses himself in learning French, as well as the ...
Take a virtual stroll down the streets of Glasgow’s iconic Great Western Road.
In 1982, Wim Wenders asked 16 of his fellow directors to speak on the future of cinema, resulting in...
A subtle portrait of Japanese director Satoshi Kon by the specialist of Japanese cinema Pascal-Alex ...
This documentary was written with passion and love for cinema, and on the other hand, he blamed her....
Jacques Rozier or the fierce, independent itinerary of a filmmaker in perpetual disarray, admired by...
a documentary and a fiction about reflecting on "pre-cinema".
In 1996 I took the conservatory exam. I missed it. A year ago I was asked to do a masterclass on act...
Gathering for a Christmas lunch, the film critics and writers of Discovering Film discuss the merits...
A documentary that brings to light the vision that director George A. Romero had for an adaptation o...
Aristocratic Italian roots, a close family connection to James Bond novelist Ian Fleming, wartime ex...