This touching documentary follows a cast of blind and visually impaired actors as they prepare Danci...
Documentary about veteran character actor Dick Miller, whose career in and outside of Hollywood has ...
This documentary short-film follows the story of The White Bus Cinema based in Southend-on-Sea. They...
Jason Momoa's story of fatherhood, craftsmanship, and the legacy he'll leave behind.
I Ramones is a half-hour of concert footage captured in Rome in 1980, just after the release of the ...
Take a virtual stroll down the streets of Glasgow’s iconic Great Western Road.
Documentary about the life and works of legendary Austrian actor Karl Merkatz.
Even though her program was only seen in four Midwestern cities, Ruth Lyons presided over America's ...
Documentary about the life and career of Japanese actor Chishu Ryu.
Roger Boussinot directed this episode of the French television show Italiques, which features an ove...
After 40 years, Tom Cruise continues to push the envelope in film. Exposing one's heart to the world...
Charlie Chaplin, The Tramp. In this documentary, we will take a look at the life of actor and direc...
Conan hosts a rollicking round table with fellow writers from 'The Simpsons.'
In May 1974, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing became President of the Republic and wanted to bring about a n...
This film is at once a self-portrait and an homage to Jean-Marie Straub, Farocki's role model and fo...
Brief overview of the two actors at the Fox Studio.
Mel Gibson teaches Hamlet to a group of high school drama students.
As ITV's move from its iconic base on Quay Street to the Orange Tower at MediaCityUK nears completio...
a documentary and a fiction about reflecting on "pre-cinema".