Set in the Mayan civilization, when a man's idyllic presence is brutally disrupted by a violent inva...
Up to one million gladiators are thought to have died in arenas across the Roman Empire. And, althou...
This documentary follows a team of local archaeologists excavating never before explored passageways...
Mesopotamia was the site of the Sumerian civilisation, which flourished at the confluence of the riv...
Over the centuries, explorers traded tales of a lost civilization amid the dense Amazonian rainfores...
Benjamin Franklin Gates and Abigail Chase re-team with Riley Poole and, now armed with a stack of lo...
Documentary that discovers all the secrets of mummification in the Canary Islands thanks to pioneeri...
In Morocco, new excavations on the site of Jebel Irhoud upset the generally accepted view of the dat...
In the Bible, God destroys the sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and sides with Joshua to conquer ...
It's the most extraordinary feat of engineering in history, and one of the most iconic man-made stru...
After his brother Robeson disappears without a trace while exploring Africa in search of a legendary...
Ben is worried. Overwhelmed by the world's encroaching crises, he travels from Brandenburg to London...
What killed King Tutankhamun? Ever since his spectacular tomb was discovered, the boy king has been ...
An ancient skeleton has been discovered in Jerusalem in a rich man's tomb. Colouration of the wrist ...
A group of archaeologists uncover a strange structure in Northern Canada, dating over ten thousand y...
A tomb raider reawakens an ancient female mummy who can only stay alive and grow in power by having ...
One of the most significant cases in European archaeology is the grave of the shaman woman of Bad Dü...
For centuries, Stonehenge has been cloaked in mystery. Who built it? How did they do it? Why did the...