This documentary examines the mysterious practice of mummifying animals in ancient Egypt as research...
In summer 2003, when the heatwave hit in Europe, in Switzerland, the glacier below the Schnidejoch p...
National Geographic follows archaeologist Ehud Natzer in his discovery of the tomb of Herod the Grea...
In Morocco, new excavations on the site of Jebel Irhoud upset the generally accepted view of the dat...
Sir David Attenborough joins an archaeological dig uncovering Britain's biggest mammoth discovery in...
Up to one million gladiators are thought to have died in arenas across the Roman Empire. And, althou...
Filmed in IMAX, a young Mayan boy who lives close to the ruins becomes acquainted with an archaeolog...
To outsiders, Turkmenistan is one of the world's least known countries. For the first time in ten ye...
In northern Peru, the unprecedented archaeological discovery of the largest known mass child sacrifi...
Built in 1755 at the height of the French and Indian War, Braddock's Road was one of the nation's mo...
Thousands of terracotta warriors guarded the first Chinese emperor's tomb. This is their story, told...
This documentary delves into the mysteries surrounding the Neanderthals and what their fossil record...
Man’s early ancestors set off to conquer the world, to explore the unknown, to adapt to every enviro...