After a botched home invasion, 15-year-old Blake finds himself facing a virtual life prison sentence...
Filmmaker Angelo Madsen Minax returns to his rural Michigan hometown following the death of his infa...
Francisco, Isabel, Fco. Javier and David are captured in different parts of the world when they work...
At Hotel Astoria, the former hotspot of Leipzig, guests were served champagne and turtle soup while ...
An urgent, timely and compelling portrait of Hollywood icon Greta Garbo, whose fame, isolation and l...
A man that is a stranger, is an incredibly easy man to hate. However, walking in a stranger’s shoes...
A dramatic history of Pu Yi, the last of the Emperors of China, from his lofty birth and brief reign...
Directors Hetherington and Junger spend a year with the 2nd Battalion of the United States Army loca...
In the midst of the chaos of México City, a group of eight bachelor millennials who call themselves ...
An intimate portrait of Alabama public interest attorney Bryan Stevenson, founder and executive dire...
A Southern Indiana man endures a fatal night of torture after being arrested for a routine traffic s...
Could dyslexia be a gift? Or can it only ever be a disability? Documentary maker Richard Macer sets ...
Does doctor Jan Terelak belong to an “elitist” group of the most unethical experimenters? The Polish...
A look beyond the shock and inhumanity of prison rape to the intricate social hierarchy that keeps i...
Incarcerated participants in a mental health experiment watch videos of sunset-soaked beaches, wildf...
An inside look as the 38-year-old prepares to perform at the famed Bridgestone Arena in his hometown...