In a world divided by the Iron Curtain, East Germany sought to carve its niche in the technological race. Enter "Robotron" - a name that seamlessly blended "robot" and "electronics." This wasn't just a brand; it was an ambitious answer to the West's technological advancements, a testament to the GDR’s drive to match, if not surpass, Western innovation. Drawing inspiration from the corporate giants of the West, the GDR‘s government merged various businesses to form this tech behemoth. With 16 major hubs in Central Germany alone, it was clear: "Robotron" was to be the DDR's technological crown jewel. But what was the Socialist Unity Party (SED), the GDR's ruling party, envisioning with this grand venture? How did "Robotron" navigate the challenges of operating within a socialist planned economy, while striving for global excellence? And as it grew to dominate East Germany's tech landscape, why did it always seem to be one step behind the leading global tech powers?
Take an intriguing, fun-filled journey through the history of the Amiga computer. From the earliest ...
The stars of Europe's ascendant chip music movement demonstrate the repurposing of old videogame and...
When the pandemic hit it highlighted how much Western countries rely on the chip industry. Today Eur...
At Hotel Astoria, the former hotspot of Leipzig, guests were served champagne and turtle soup while ...
A exploration of the fanaticism that surrounds the Apple brand, featuring interviews with Mac evange...
Explore how in the past five decades, the internet has changed the very fabric of our society, highl...
"Welcome to Macintosh" is a documentary that mixes history, criticism and an unapologetic revelry of...
It happened more or less by accident; the people who made it happen were amateurs; and for the most ...
In 1981, Wau Holland and other hackers established the Hamburg based Chaos Computer Club (CCC). The ...
By observing the technological developments of artificial intelligence in several countries, this fi...
Petra Epperlein and Michael Tucker take a powerfully personal journey through the former East German...
For years now, the Kremlin has been systematically trying to use well-trained hackers for its own be...
Hackers Wanted explores the origins and nature of hackers and hacking by following the adventures of...
What is Bitcoin? With the advent of Bitcoin, the world's first digital currency, for the first time ...
In 1986, astronomer turned computer scientist Clifford Stoll had just started working on a computer ...
A documentary that explores questions of secrecy and power in relation to the East German Secret Pol...