In The Realm of the Hackers is a documentary about the prominent hacker community, centered in Melbourne, Australia in the late 80's to early 1990. The storyline is centered around the Australian teenagers going by the hacker names "Electron" and "Phoenix", who were members of an elite computer hacking group called The Realm and hacked into some of the most secure computer networks in the world, including those of the US Naval Research Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a government lab charged with the security of the US nuclear stockpile, and NASA.
A portrait of the hacking community. In an effort to challenge preconceived notions and media-driven...
Explore how in the past five decades, the internet has changed the very fabric of our society, highl...
A exploration of the fanaticism that surrounds the Apple brand, featuring interviews with Mac evange...
Uncompromising millennial radicals from the United States and the United Kingdom attack the system t...
REVOLUTION OS tells the inside story of the hackers who rebelled against the proprietary software mo...
Second Skin takes an intimate look at three sets of computer gamers whose lives have been transforme...
Using real cases, this documentary demonstrates the extent to which violent criminals can use social...
Take an intriguing, fun-filled journey through the history of the Amiga computer. From the earliest ...
Discover the intoxicating world of hacking through the eyes of Michael “Mafiaboy” Calce, who, at 15,...
Does privacy still exist in 2019? In less than a generation, the internet has become a mass surveill...
Hackers Wanted explores the origins and nature of hackers and hacking by following the adventures of...
The year is 2020 and the Amiga computer is 35 years old and going strong. We look at new development...
What is Bitcoin? With the advent of Bitcoin, the world's first digital currency, for the first time ...
In 1986, astronomer turned computer scientist Clifford Stoll had just started working on a computer ...
For years now, the Kremlin has been systematically trying to use well-trained hackers for its own be...
TPB AFK is a documentary about three computer addicts who redefined the world of media distribution ...
Documentary film investigating allegations of election fraud during the 2004 U.S. presidential elect...
A film on Douglas Engelbart, inventor of the computer mouse whose vision was to augment the collecti...
Guardians of the New World introduces us to the world of hacker culture. Emerging from the 70’s coun...