Charlie Chaplin, The Tramp. In this documentary, we will take a look at the life of actor and direc...
This documentary short-film follows the story of The White Bus Cinema based in Southend-on-Sea. They...
Take a virtual stroll down the streets of Glasgow’s iconic Great Western Road.
In 1982, Wim Wenders asked 16 of his fellow directors to speak on the future of cinema, resulting in...
a documentary and a fiction about reflecting on "pre-cinema".
Jacques Rozier or the fierce, independent itinerary of a filmmaker in perpetual disarray, admired by...
Aristocratic Italian roots, a close family connection to James Bond novelist Ian Fleming, wartime ex...
A documentary that brings to light the vision that director George A. Romero had for an adaptation o...
Gathering for a Christmas lunch, the film critics and writers of Discovering Film discuss the merits...
A subtle portrait of Japanese director Satoshi Kon by the specialist of Japanese cinema Pascal-Alex ...
This documentary was written with passion and love for cinema, and on the other hand, he blamed her....
This DVD contains a filmed rehearsal of Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention at the legendary Be...
This short documentary delves into the world of Cinema Al Dunia in Damascus, exploring the current r...