Produced by Ishikawa Pro (independent anime studio), Mahou no Chocolate (Magical Chocolate), is an 8...
A mother and daughter move to a small French town where they open a chocolate shop. The town, religi...
Erin Cavendish goes undercover at her family's chocolate plant to see why sales are down when she me...
When Liang Xia's obsession for a perfect wedding puts a strain in the relationship with her fiancé, ...
A young teenage werewolf is torn between honoring her family's secret and her love for a man.
After losing her boyfriend, Moni decides to focus on her thesis, which consists on chocolate pastry-...
Takao, who is training to become a shoemaker, skipped school and is sketching shoes in a Japanese-st...
Emma and chocolatier Luc compete for Belgium's Royal Chocolatier. The beauty and romance of Bruges i...
What happens when a man and a woman share a common passion? They fall in love. And this is what happ...
Seven strangers search for faith, hope, love and chocolate at a Cornish support group, nicknamed The...
For ancient Mayans, cocoa was as good as gold. For subsistence farmer Eladio Pop, his cocoa crops ar...
In a dystopian Switzerland that has fallen under the fascist rule of an evil cheese tyrant, Heidi li...
This one-off documentary goes deep inside the Willie Wonka world of Cadbury, Britain's biggest and b...
Germany, 1945. The War is over, and it has left a slew of devastated families in its wake. Among the...
A quarantined Girl is hungry. When she heads to the kitchen looking for a snack she faces an enemy a...
In the lead-up to the festive bonanza, an exclusive look inside the chocolate-maker's inventing room...
Tony is a movie about Dutch company Tony Chocolonely, a company dedicated to realise a 100% slave fr...
The Chocolate Factory takes viewers from the sugarcane fields of Queensland to a dairy farm in Tasma...