Produced by Ishikawa Pro (independent anime studio), Mahou no Chocolate (Magical Chocolate), is an 8 minute and 25 second story about a young school girl, Mami, who has a crush on a popular senior student and wants to let him know this on Valentines day. Her Best friend Koko tells her about the legend of the magical chocolates which will grant the love of a boy. It took Ishikawa Pro 5 months and 1,700 cels to complete this anime.
Erin Cavendish goes undercover at her family's chocolate plant to see why sales are down when she me...
When Liang Xia's obsession for a perfect wedding puts a strain in the relationship with her fiancé, ...
A young teenage werewolf is torn between honoring her family's secret and her love for a man.
A mother and daughter move to a small French town where they open a chocolate shop. The town, religi...
In the shop of a chocolate factory, four rabbits trade their kind look for bandanas and gangster sty...
A tale of friendship between two unlikely pen pals: Mary, a lonely, eight-year-old girl living in th...
Jerry, a new student at an elite Catholic prep school, must face the hazing practices handed down by...
Five of YouTube's top ASMRtists discover the ultimate way to eat REESE Peanut Butter Cups in this we...
Someone called the Bad Apple seeks to rule Bumblyburg by making Mayor Blueberry, Petunia Rhubarb, an...
Berlin, 1930, during the rise of Nazism. Hermann Hermann, a Russian emigrant and chocolate manufactu...
What happens when a man and a woman share a common passion? They fall in love. And this is what happ...
Seven strangers search for faith, hope, love and chocolate at a Cornish support group, nicknamed The...
Set ten years after the events at the Paris Opera House, the Phantom has fled to New York, where he ...
A divorced husband desperately misses his daughter. In order to be with her, he takes up a job in hi...
An omnibus film of the romances and breakups of five couples: Soo-jin works in a cafe in Seoul. One ...
Set on the island of Ven in the 1920s, Ellen is engaged with Per the sailor and waits for him while ...
Kaoru is a 17-year-old virgin who has an SM fetish. He secretly dreams about an SM relationship with...
Harry is a shy hardware store employee. But whenever he takes a part in a local amateur theater prod...