This short film traces the journey of the first Ukrainian settlers in Canada. Seeking freedom and op...
In this immersive documentary, Winston Stairs invites the audience on a soul-soothing expedition int...
Explorers and amateur directors Mariana Ianovska and Viktor Posnov embark on a 40 day long trip acro...
Since the arrival of chemicals in the vineyards to the commercial breakthrough of sulfurless wines, ...
Sheds light on an alternative approach to farming called “regenerative agriculture” that could balan...
This 1991 Academy Award®-winning documentary uncovers the disastrous health and environmental side e...
A documentary on Al Gore's campaign to make the issue of global warming a recognized problem worldwi...
Going Circular unlocks the secrets to an innovative concept called circularity -- an economic system...
The Sadies Stop and Start captures a moment in time. That time was uncertain and dark. Still reeling...
A look at the state of the global environment including visionary and practical solutions for restor...
The analogy likens plastic pollution to a person wearing a plastic bag on their head, illustrating h...
Greta Thunberg, a 15-year-old student in Sweden, started a school strike for the climate as her ques...
The documentary chronicling Oly Rush's world record attempt to swim non-stop around Grand Cayman. A...
In recent years, the Marga Marga Province has witnessed a drastic change in the visual and sound lan...
ATUEL is the story of a community and its river; of a river and its community. Everyone in the provi...
Takes us to locations all around the US and shows us the heavy toll that modern technology is having...