Senator Arthur Alencar leads a double life. In the media and to his constituents, he portrays himsel...
During a work meeting at a hotel, Gustavo, a real player, meets the charming Letícia, who has an int...
Unpublished images and exclusive testimonies from the main figures in power who tell how they faced ...
The city of Brasilia hoped to become, from its very architecture, the expression of modern urban con...
Two teenage boys are cursed by a witch to swap bodies after an accidental encounter. To break the sp...
French military man Adrien Dufourquet gets an eight-day furlough to visit his fiancée, Agnès. But wh...
Rebels on the surface, retrogrades in essence. “The Ridiculists”, a duo composed of the eccentric an...
Rekha is in love with Shankar since childhood. But Rekha's adopted sister, Lata, has an affair with ...
A young woman faces an unexpected pregnancy and must inform her father.
Japan has a recidivism rate of 50%. The staff at a magazine called CHANGE want to lower that by reha...
Glen is surprised when a news anchor stops reporting on the Gulf War and begins talking directly to ...
Two creative con men romance widows to invest in their worthless oil well during the Great Depressio...
An unlucky musician returns back home on the day of his younger brother's movie premiere to steal an...