Embarking on a remarkable journey, Otep, a 16-year-old high school boy, faces a challenging narrative of education. It is where resources are as scarce as they are essential: as simple as a paper to write on and a pento write with. Realizing that his brother’s efforts in yielding meager wages will not make the cut in reaching for his dreams, Otep makes it his compass, resolving to carve his own destiny.
Fashion icon Coco Chanel, steeped in wealth and fame, still issues game-changing designs and collect...
A university professor, mistreated by his wife, falls in love with a student who makes fun of him an...
A snowboarder, whose career was interrupted by an injury, meets a determined pianist who inspires hi...
A newly adopted girl is doted on by her adopted father but faces indifference from her adopted mothe...
A very impoverished man wanders the cold and hostile city looking for cigarette butts. After being h...
Contemporary Russia. Nadya gives up her dream of becoming a champion figure skater when she is hospi...
In order to diagnose the psychic traumas suffered by his patients, Dr. Paul Novotny gets young Alex ...
An embittered penitentiary social worker receives an unwelcome blast from the past when the case fil...
The story of Quincy Bosomfield who is the product of colonial education and has risen to become the ...
A man, stuck in a dead end job he hates, remembers back to good times he had in the past.
Screenwriter Kyung-ju and private academy instructor Minjae have been married for 5 years. One day, ...
In a small town on the countryside, every young boy is forced to have the same bowl-head haircut kno...
In an unstable marriage, Marion worries for her husband, Frank, as his behavior grows more and more ...
A British Guianese engineer starts a job as a high school teacher in London’s East End, where his un...
About a guy who didn't sleep for two days, then his Illusion intertwined with reality, his mind coul...
At the peak of the Christmas holidays, an old double bass player reminisces about his time as a stru...
A woman struggles as she is caught at a supermarket for shoplifting. This award-winning short film i...
In 1847, when Ireland is in the grip of the Great Famine that has ravaged the country for two long y...
Struggling to survive on the margins of society, two outcasts manage to build a beautiful friendship...