In this unique and riveting film, a troubled man has a series of dreams in which he finds himself thrown back to a time before his birth, into the Angolan Border War, as a combat soldier. There he meets his father as a young man, when he was a member of the Special Forces. As they go through combat together, the son gets to know his father in a way he never has, giving him insight and compassion, and he is able to let go of lifelong feelings of abandonment, resentment and anger. This leads to forgiveness and a real-life reconciliation, which drives home the underlying message of this film restoring the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers.
Il Tempo Dell'Amore (A Time to Love) is an omnibus film of three different love stories that take pl...
1991. Harrison Lloyd, a renowned photojournalist covering the war in Yugoslavia, is reported missing...
A historical drama set in Roman Egypt, concerning philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria and her relation...
A deaf garbage collector happens upon a broken and discarded surfboard. The discovery plants in him ...
At a college in Rome, a professor, nicknamed "Dodo" is in a deep depression. His stunningly beautifu...
Recently widowed Mary Bassett and her three children have hit difficult times on their farm. Suddenl...
In an unstable marriage, Marion worries for her husband, Frank, as his behavior grows more and more ...
A crown prince emerges as a leader during the war between Korea and Japan in 1592.
Handsomely-mounted historical epic concerns the birth of the Islamic faith and the story of the Prop...
The crew of a medical helicopter suffers an accident when helping a joint force of USA and United Na...
A platoon of Commandos’ soldiers, lead by a fearless commander, Nour, and their journey through hero...
Inspired by the life of Captain Vikram Batra (PVC), the film celebrates his bravery, valiant spirit ...
Parer's War is the true story of World War II frontline cameraman, Damien Parer, whose work won Aust...
Short film about the inability to sleep, or to remain asleep throughout the night.
A dreamlike short with a switch in tone making it a surreal and uneasy experience.
A small Bavarian village is renowned for its "Ruby Glass" glass blowing works. When the foreman of t...
During World War II, an American serviceman in London decides to impress his English girlfriend by a...
When two lovers are split by a supernatural encounter, they explore the darker side of relationships...
The discovery of self-awareness in a twisting venture between dreams and reality. (The first piece o...