Veggie Gardening 101. Bob and Jim are engaging hosts as they lead the viewer through the basics of choosing a site, preparing a garden plot, and raising a variety of vegetables, including some lesser-grown ones such as parsnips and leeks. Additionally, they demonstrate how to build a few garden structures including a compost bin and a simple cold-frame.
In March 2023, despite a flush of police raids and arrests in the struggle against Cop City in Atlan...
For 30 years, Oceana County Michigan has been the Asparagus Capital of the World. Now its spear-stru...
Ed Hume shows you how, when, where, and most importantly, why to prune your trees. Hume covers a wid...
Created over 75 years and three generations, Les Quatre Vents stands as an enchanted place of beauty...
Hart's Forest Gardening introduces a way of working alongside nature- an approach that results in gr...
Permaculture teacher Geoff Lawton designs and builds a dam and water harvesting system on a farm.
Geoff Lawton takes you into the world of Permaculture and explains the basic concepts for beginners.
Part of a travelogue series, this films visits to Derry, the Giant’s Causeway, Carrick-a-Rede, Mount...
Three young gardeners reflect on their experiences at a Leeds allotment.
Aquaponics master Murray Hallam takes you into the world of Aquaponics and explains how you can grow...
In this film, 24 LGBTQIA2* gardeners show their gardens and explain how their queerness affects the ...
The story of one man's lifelong journey, walking with God and learning how to get back to the simple...
Permaculture teacher Geoff Lawton enters the intensive small space gardens in the city and looks at ...
We’ve all seen environmental problems highlighted everyday on the media. Now comes the solution. Fro...
Sister Loyola is one of the liveliest nonagenarians you could ever meet. As the main gardener at th...
Geoff Lawton's Urban Permaculture - Designing the Urban Garden
If your family photographs could speak, what stories would they share? Interweaving interviews with ...
From the Black Earth is a collaboration between Bristol based company Cables and Cameras, and a loca...
An intimate portrait of an old man coming to terms with own mortality and letting go off his magnum ...
Hometown Habitat features renowned entomologist Dr. Douglas Tallamy, whose research, books and lectu...