This captivating documentary on J. Robert Oppenheimer, the architect of the atomic bomb, explores his journey before the historic test and reveals the burden he carried after. De-classified documents, rare film footage and exclusive interviews, including Oppenheimer's grandson, show an intimate exploration of the burden Oppenheimer carried and the profound global impact still being debated today.
Filmmaker Alain Resnais documents the atrocities behind the walls of Hitler's concentration camps.
A British documentary on tunneling if a building falls in ruins.
This documentary examines unidentified aerial phenomenon. With testimony from high-ranking governmen...
This is the story of an incredible rise to power, the most comprehensive documentary on Hermann Goer...
A deep dive into the history of the Canadian Government and the Department of National Defence leasi...
This documentary retraces the life of Jacques Maritain (1882 - 1973), French Christian philosopher. ...
Breakthrough tells the story of a renegade scientist’s quest to find a cure for cancer, the disease ...
The untold story of a world-renowned place of remembrance of the Holocaust in France, the internment...
From the beginning, Hergé's work, Tintin's creator, was conditioned by the ideology of his publisher...
A propaganda short film produced by the US Navy in 1945 about the naval engagements of the invasion ...
Faced with the relentless and unstoppable advance of the Soviet Red Army, from the spring of 1944 un...
The film takes a look back at four years of German occupation in France during the Second World War....
On June 4, 1944 Captain Daniel Gallery and his men of the U.S. Naval Task Force 22.3 did the nearly ...