The classic movie "The Great Escape" was based on a real life escape attempt during the second world war. This documentary follows Archaeologists who are trying to find the original tunnels dug by the real prisoners of war who escaped. Some of the surviving prisoners also join the team to assist with the tunnel locations and to describe what it was really like to live that situation. In an effort to understand the technical details of how this feet of ingenuity was achieved, the team recreate some of the equipment used by the prisoners.
During the Nazi occupation of Poland, an acting troupe becomes embroiled in a Polish soldier's effor...
A German submarine hunts allied ships during the Second World War, but it soon becomes the hunted. T...
World War II. Not all warriors wore uniforms. Not all warriors were men. Meet ninety-year-old Colett...
World War II soldiers enter Sicily to seize German arms supply only to discover there is not a gun i...
A British Colonel is angry with his superiors after his entire platoon is slaughtered by the Germans...
How was the Second World War experienced in Rouveen, Overijssel? This Orthodox Christian village nea...
In the midst of the D-Day invasion, a group of US soldiers are given orders to smuggle a member of t...
In North Africa, German Field Marshal Rommel and his troops have successfully fended off British for...
This short documentary is part of the Canada Carries On series of morale-boosting wartime propaganda...
In the spring of 1945, Japan established a secret base, Unit 731 in Manchuria, where many innocent C...
A by-the-book Captain is ordered to capture a strategic village in Italy. The Italian soldiers are w...
In an Arctic village in 1931, British mapmaker Walter Russell selects 12-year-old Eskimo Avik as his...
Major Reisman is "volunteered" to lead another mission using convicted army soldiers, sentenced to e...
A WWII film about children evacuated from Britain and sent to Canada for their safety. The film begi...
This short documentary about the Canadian seamen who manned Canada's eastern ports during WWII is th...
Documents the major trial of the Nazi war criminals and the violent acts that they were accused of.
It is the summer of 1941. An eastern-Finnish machine gun company receives an order to turn in their ...
Having been discharged from the Marines for a hayfever condition before ever seeing action, Woodrow ...