This film follows 3 friends who were in Sarajevo during the war as they go to the US for the 20th anniversary of the Dayton Agreement, where they ask questions and consider the impact of the agreement 25 years later, having fun on the way.
In her autobiographical documentary, the young director uses cartoon impressions, photographic memor...
This is the story of survivors of the Srebrenica genocide, the only holocaust in Europe since WWII. ...
An attempt to erect a virtual memorial for the victims of the Bosnian war, using archive material, v...
At the end of WWI, the treaty of Versailles established the conditions for peace in Europe. The aim ...
The war crimes trial of Ratko Mladic, accused of masterminding the murder of over 7000 Muslim men an...
The carnage in Sarajevo provides the focus of this French documentary which seeks to call attention ...
Paul Pawlikowski's award-winning documentary on life behind Serbian lines in Bosnia. The film observ...
A hotel in the centre of town is a war-time home and refuge for many of Sarajevo's homeless people. ...
Filmmaker Sabina Vajraca documents her Bosnian Muslim family's return to their home of Banja Luka, B...
Following the 2001 terrorist attacks on New York City, one item of clothing has gained a scandalous ...
A young boy plays an accordion in a shopping mall. Béla Tarr picks up the camera one more time to sh...
Jabir, Usama and Uzeir are three young brothers in a Sunni family of shepherds. Since childhood, the...
Winter 2019. Spanish war photographer Gervasio Sánchez, who documented with his camera the long and ...
In this exciting documentary you'll join a small team to the Bosnian city of Visoko. They've heard o...
A project of theatre-documentary on the Srebrenica massacre.
Nearly 20 years since the end of the 1992-95 Bosnian war, there are people who still live in refugee...
The compelling stories of four young people as they struggle to survive a war that ended nearly 20 y...
Moments in the life of a young Japanese filmmaker in Bosnia, charged with acoustic and visual poetry...
Sexual violence against women is a very effective weapon in modern warfare: instills fear and spread...